
[Video] Plugging the IT Skills Gap – Education

[Video] Plugging the IT Skills Gap – Education 150 150 Simon Randall

The IT skills gap has been subject to much discussion over the past few years and is something that makes it difficult for many companies to find people with the right skills that they need in order to help their business grow.

So what is being done to address it? There are plenty of programs around for adults to gain certification in many areas of IT, from Microsoft Engineering certification, to various Google programs that are aimed at improving on existing skills. But what does this mean for the future of the industry? Is it enough?

Computer Science and the UK Curriculum

Of course, in some schools around the country, Computer Science has become part of the curriculum, but for the most part, education around the sector remains lacking. Even the degree level course of the same name doesn’t really address the high-end skills that the industry lacks even now.

Without addressing this, it’s likely that we will see more and more skilled jobs remained unfilled and desperate employers casting their net around the world in search of the top IT professionals. This is true of a range of skills that are needed, such as:

·         Security

·         Big Data

·         Programming

·         Computer engineering

And more …

Is Security Really so Important?

Of course, more sophisticated attacks are occurring daily and a portion of these are carried out by states, not just cyber criminals. This means that it’s necessary to ensure the safety of the web infrastructure, as the consequences of an attack on the main nodes could prove to be fatal in numerous ways. Just think about how much of our lives, both working and personal, are now controlled by technology, from the National Grid to Emergency Services.

However, security is far from the only skills that are needed overall, as technology continues to charge swiftly onwards, changing the way we work almost on a monthly basis. It’s become so important it almost defies belief that it’s not yet been effectively addressed.

Some large IT organisations are addressing this and helping both kids and adults to better improve skills. One of the problems many companies find is the cost of training, so it really is something that needs to be addressed at more of a ‘grass roots’ level. Take a look at the video below to find out what’s needed and what companies like Oracle are doing to address the problem.

Quadratek People

Bearing all of this in mind, now is an ideal opportunity to introduce you to Quadratek People, our innovative solution which helps the private and public sectors to find highly qualified IT professionals through a pro-active approach to recruitment.

As members of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, we’re a trusted resource for both IT job hunters and employers. Our consultants work hard to match the right people with specialist skills with the right job.

Interested in finding out more about how Quadratek People can help fill your IT gap? Looking for a high-end position in IT, either permanent or temporary?

Give us a call now on +44 01252 849 006 to see just what we can do for you.
